Welcome to ‘Everywoman’ – NOT YOUR AVERAGE PELVIC FLOOR AND CORE CLASS! Our FOUNDATION, GROUND-BREAKING 6 or 12 Week Pelvic Floor and Core Health program that truly is a gift that keeps giving and one that we feel EVERY WOMAN should experience it at least once in her lifetime! The program is adaptable for virtually all women and is designed to bring you ‘back home’ to your amazing body with your Pelvic and Core Health at the center of our focus. Enjoy 6 wonderful weeks of movement, nutritional guidance and education regarding your Pelvic Floor, Core and women’s fitness/wellness at whatever life phase you’re in on this unique Holistic Core Restore® ‘Everywoman‘ with Krystine Ernest, Coach for South Dakota, USA.
You’ll follow the program in-person or online via zoom with Krystine your coach for 6 weeks with the option of continuing to the 2nd Phase of the program for a further 6 weeks in the comfort of your own home via our ONLINE PORTAL still fully supported by your Coach. We believe that the Holistic Core Restore® ‘Everywoman‘ program truly is a gift that keeps giving and one that EVERY WOMAN should give herself at least once in her lifetime! WHO IS THIS PROGRAM FOR?
This Program is for you if you answer ‘YES’ to most of these questions:
In short, those ‘squeeze and lift’ exercises also known as Kegels, simply aren’t the whole story. Your Pelvic Floor and Core muscles don’t exist in isolation and separate to the movements of your whole body and your breath. And so for your Pelvic Floor and your entire Core to work as it was designed to, we need to re-introduce it to the rest of your body and get it to do its job in time with your breath and movement and whereas you’re not necessarily ‘thinking’ about it as well… just like it used to do before you had babies or before you reached the Menopause. This program takes into account both CONSCIOUS Pelvic Floor and Core work and UNCONSCIOUS work too through movement timed with your breath. It’s kind of the ‘belt and braces’ approach and ultimately… it’s effective in 6 weeks, it’s time efficient and thousands of successful and happy women testify that IT GETS RESULTS!
1:1, In-Person or Online
Small Groups, In-Person or Online
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